Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Spring/Summer Goals

With each new set of seasons (spring/summer and fall/winter) I make new goals for myself.  Fun goals to help keep me focused on the season at hand instead of looking too far ahead and missing the beauty around me.  They are low key, I don't expect to finish all of them, and I'm sure I'll add to them as the season goes on (and other things get crossed off).  What are you planning on doing to enjoy the season?


  1. Hi Erica! Thanks for the comment on my blog. I've just looked through your..it does seem that we have a lot in common! It sounds great, I've read a few of the books you mentioned, The Help was amazing. Have you read Water for Elephants? That's also great. I should re-read Anne of Green Gables now that you mention it. We've gotten some great bridal shower gifts and making bread has been on my mind lately so I should do that too. You should send me your perfected recipe :)


  2. I haven't read Water for Elephants, but I keep hearing good things about it. I think I might have to add that to my summer reading list! :)
