Monday, March 26, 2012

Spring Beets

For quite a while I have thought of beets as a vegetable that I will just tolerate.  If they're there I will eat them, but I won't go out of the way to make them either.  Now that being said, you should know that my exposure to beets has been very limited. I'm not entirely sure why I cast them aside so easily, but a few weeks ago in a hunt for something "different" for supper I came across this recipe and thought I would give it a whirl.  It has single handedly changed my opinion on beets.  The lemon juice added acidity and brightness and the feta added some salt and tang, added with the sweet, caramelized flavor of the roasted beets, it was perfect.  This will be going into the recipe box to be made over and over again and I'm searching out other beet recipes that I should try.  Any suggestions?


  1. I've never been able to even tolerate beets. I keep wanting to, because I can grow them, but they just taste like dirt to me. That said, this recipe is definitely tempting, especially from a beet tolerant person...

  2. I love beets! I usually roast them; this looks so good!
