Tuesday, November 1, 2011

October Snow

Over the weekend we got the biggest October snowstorm I  can remember.  We ended up with a foot of heavy, wet snow.  Luckily we didn't lose power, though we did lose two big branches off one of our Norway Maples.

I was so excited for this snow.  I don't know that I'll ever be one of those people who dreads the snow.  For me, the snow holds some sort of magic and I can't help but be completely entranced when it starts to fall.  Much of the snow has melted, only a few inches remain...and as much as I love it, I am hoping it will all melt off, I still have tulip bulbs to plant!  After they're in the ground it can snow all the way through April as far as I'm concerned!

I'm curious if there is anyone out there reading from the Northeast, how much snow did you end up with in your neck of the woods?

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