Monday, April 30, 2012

Back To Work

The first day back after vacation is always the hardest...

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Spring Goals

Each season I make myself a list of things I would like to accomplish.  Simple things. Silly things.  Things I want to do for no other reason than to bring me joy or make me feel like I am moving towards the life I have imagined.  I don't always accomplish them all, sometimes I don't even come close, but its something concrete to work towards and I like that.  So without further ado, my spring 2012 goals:

1. Learn how to make a good vinaigrette
2. Scan in all of Grandpa Walt's slides and distribute them to the Aunts and Uncles
3. Learn more about natural cures/remedies
4. "Green Up" down by the river
5. Read a book for pleasure
6. Learn all the words to "Red River Valley" by heart
7. Learn to identify all of the trees in our yard {the crazy tree and the bush out front by the shed}
8. Finally go for a walk beyond the covered bridge

What are your goals for this spring?

Sunday, April 8, 2012

On Easter

It seems the spring rush has already started at my house, I have lots to say here but can't seem to find the time to say it.  Soon.  Until then, I hope those that celebrate have a wonderful Easter!